Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting Back on the Wagon

Hey all,

Things have been very exciting here.  With the excitement has come a Fall Off the Wagon.  It wasn't intentional and there wasn't much we could do about it.

In mid-June we decided we were FINALLY going to visit family this year.  We knew that with visiting/vacationing it becomes very difficult to stay on track.  For us, it's all the cookouts, activities and just plain busyness of visiting that keeps us off our game.  I know, it's really no excuse. We decided before leaving that we would not fret about things since the focus of the trip was spending time with family.

Originally we were just going to be gone a week and a half, however, things changed.  Chris had to go to Vegas a week before we were to leave for Indiana. With that and a few other family factors we decided that I would leave with the kids the day before Chris left for Vegas.  This extended my and the kids Indiana vacation to two and half weeks.  Chris was very sad not to be with us but it couldn't be helped and even though Chris wasn't with us he still had the challenge of eating appropriately and exercising in VEGAS!  This proved to be a near impossibility.

Needless to say, after two and half weeks away from the everyday life that has become routine we gained a little weight.  It was expected.

Before leaving for Indiana I was at 23 lbs lost.  I weighed 206.  When I returned I was bloated and pretty close to miserable.  I had gained 4 lbs.  To be honest I was thrilled it wasn't more but I knew I had work to do.  Within a few short days I was back down to 207.  I don't know what the deal was but I was happy.

While back home I was having some stomach issues.  I attributed it to the change in diet and dismissed the pains that were keeping me up in the night.  It really only happened one time but I had pain in my abdomen that woke me up in the night and kept me up.  I had gas and felt bloated most days.  I wasn't concerned and was concerned only with family.

We returned July 10 and got right back to eating right again and exercising.  Like I said, I lost 3 lbs pretty fast. July 20 Chris and I went on a date...dinner and movie.  we decided it was a splurge day and were not going to worry about what we ate.  We went to an Italian restaurant where I chose, instead of pasta, a chicken dish that included veggies.  It was delish and SOOOO high in calories.  We also had bread and spinach artichoke dip.  It was a very yummy little splurge.  Later we went to see The Dark Knight Rises.  Yes, we did get popcorn and soda.  The movie was epic and the popcorn WONDERFUL!  LOL

I had a feeling my stomach would revolt at some point, so I wasn't surprised to be woken up at 2:30 in the morning with stomach pains.  I tried it all, from Tums to walking around to trying to sleep upright.  It wasn't working.  The pain was intense I was pacing in my living room contemplating what my next move would be.  Around 4:30 I decided that the only thing I knew I could do was force myself to vomit.

And that's exactly what I did.  Now, If you know me well, at all, you know that I will do anything to keep from vomiting.  I hate it more than anything.  So, the fact that I forced myself to do it should tell you how much at a loss I was.  There was immediate relief!  It was amazing... I, then, SLEPT!

I awoke a few hours later feeling a little better.  There was still a residual ache.  I ate an apple for breakfast and then it started all over again.  The pain was unrelenting.  I just knew it was something I ate.  After suffering for hours I decided to call my Dad since he has had stomach issues.  Around 4 pm he suggested I go to the hospital.  I just couldn't do it!  What if it was something stupid?  Like indigestion or constipation.  We could not afford a needless ER visit.  So, I waited.

Soon after speaking with my Dad the pain radiated to my back.  Now it was ALL the way around my body.  I couldn't stand, or sit, or lie down, or walk around.  I showered around 5:30 in hopes of a miracle.  I was doubled over and in so much pain there were tears.  At that point, Chris got his shoes and we left for the ER.  I didn't fight or argue... I just got in the car.  I'm pretty tough when it comes to pain but this was CRAZY!  Chris later told me that when he saw the tears he knew it was time.

An ER visit, ultrasound, MRI, pain meds, blood work, IV, vital signs, shots, pills, all liquid diet and four days later I was on my way home after having my Gall Bladder removed.  I had several stones that were causing my problems. Yeah, it sucked!  The pain was the worst I've ever felt in my life, after the surgery, even worse than giving birth to my daughter without meds.  I can't even begin to imagine what the bill will be. :(

So, I say all that to say.... It's been rough.  We are trying to get back on track and we are getting there.  I was happy that going to the doctor after the surgery I was only 208.  As of today, I'm 205.4.  I'm very happy with that.  I can definitely feel my body changing and can't wait to get back into the FULL swing of things!

I apologize for the lengthy post!  :)