Friday, May 3, 2013

Beginning Again

It's been a while since I have posted to this blog... In fact, it's been since August 1, 2012.  There was, most certainly, reason for taking the break that I took!  I got pregnant!  yep!  You heard it right!  After nearly 10 years of trying and praying to conceive, and after losing that first 25 lbs.  I conceived!

My baby girl is now almost three weeks old!  She was born April 14, in my bedroom, and it was amazing, terrifying, excruciatingly painful, but AMAZING!  I would do it again in a minute!

With the pregnancy came a rethinking of my MAJOR calorie restrictive diet, as wells as the daily P90 and Zumba hours.  It didn't take long for the exhaustion and CRAZY morning sickness to kick in!  So there I was, off the wagon, for real this time.  After the morning sickness came to a halt, I had a few weeks of feeling very good.  BUT not long after that my hips and pelvis began causing pain.  Needless to say, I was done until after the baby came.

Now that she is here, I need to decide when to start exercising again.  I want to be sure I'm healed before I jump in with both feel again.  I am 12 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy and dying to get there.

Here's the dilemma:

How to get back on the wagon safely, while breastfeeding!  Here's where my research comes in.

Breastfeeding Baby Girl is very important to me, so I need to be diligent in not overdoing my activities, drinking enough water and consuming enough calories!

The Plan:


Start slowly!

I will be starting down the road with just walking for a bit until I feel more comfortable doing more difficult activities.  The goal would be to walk daily for at least an hour.  It doesn't have to be all at once but I would love the total to be at least an hour.

After a few weeks of just walking my goal is to add a little Zumba. even if it's not the entire video.


One word: HEALTHY!  I'm not going to get picky about calories and such, at this point.  My goal is to eat a balanced, healthy diet.  I need to control the snacking, sweets, and CRAP!  :)

My biggest goal is to drink a TON of water.  I need to stay hydrated and it seems that I struggle with drinking anything.  Before the baby I could go all day without drinking a thing.  Now(and always), I need to be more conscious of the need for hydration.

So, there you have it...  I will try to post new Before pics soon!  I'm praying, now that I'm back blogging again my motivation will return!  Wish me luck!