Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 10 P90

April 29, 2012

Today was a rough day for me.  It was Sunday and after our regular church service our Pastor was invited to preach at a church two and a half hours away.  The Praise Team and the choir were also asked to participate.  This all meant that I would not be home at all and was at the mercy of the church that hosted us for food.  We arrived around three and since I hadn't eaten since breakfast I was STARVING!  Unfortunately the only offering they had was Spaghetti and Salad with zero healthy dressing offerings.  They also offered garlic bread.  For beverage they only offered Lemonade and Fruit Punch.  I couldn't even get a water.  It sucked.  At to that, everything seemed to have added sugar.  The portions were very small and not filling at all but I'm sure the calorie count was way more than I allotted for the day.  I was so frustrated and HUNGRY!

We didn't get back in town until 10 pm and but that time I didn't what it did to me I just had to eat something.  So, I did the ultimate NO NO!  I ate McDonalds and I hated myself for it.  After confessing to Chris he encouraged me not to beat myself up about it and just get up tomorrow and start again.  So, that's what I did!

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