Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Days 31-39 Power 90

We're still plugging away!  Our injuries have healed and we are back to 100%.  We 6 days from the "half-way to 90" point.    We really need to kick into high gear.

This past weekend was Memorial Day.  Saturday we got an invite from some good friends and decided it was okay to have a free day and not worry.  We did exercise in the morning, though.  I made some fresh Salsa and a fruit Salad...  We had hamburgers and hotdogs with corn on the cob.... Later, we had rice crispy treats!  It was all sooooo good.  By the end of the night Chris was feeling terrible.  He ended up sleeping on the couch because he didn't want to wake me with all his bathroom trips.  I, however, felt fine.

The weather has been scorching the past several days and as we live in NEPA there is no such thing as Central Air for most homes.  OURS INCLUDED!  90 degree heat is even hotter in an un-air conditioned home.  We've done our best with fans but it just doesn't cut.  I say all that to say that, when it is this hot in your house it is very difficult to walk across the room, let alone exercise.  I'm not kidding when I say the past two days have been so hot that it worries me to work out.  We are already at the brink of collapse at the end of workouts... add the heat to that and I fear literal collapse.  However, we are going to have to figure it out.  At some point this summer it's going to stay this warm and we can't stop working out.  Sunday and Monday we skipped working out.  We did take walks in the haze of humidity but they weren't what I would have liked.

Today's weather: More of the same!  Upper 80's with 90+% humidity.  Tomorrow promises to be a little better.  We WILL be working out tonight!  I don't what I have to do... I'm feeling guilty and lazy.... I can't go back there!  I will also be walking before it gets too terribly hot, although it is 9 am and 80 degrees so I need to hurry up.

I don't regret the weekend splurge, however, I do regret that the weather got the best of us.  Today is the day it all changes!

On a side note, I LOVE Thrift Stores!   :)  I frequent our local Salvation Army (at least twice a week) looking for a little awesomeness on the cheap side.  Lately I've been looking for "Goal Clothes".  I don't want to spend an arm and a leg for clothing in the size that I want to be so SA is a great alternative!  While a size 14 isn't my ultimate goal, it is on the way to it.  I can wear a size 14 from Lane Bryant but their clothes seems to be sized different since I can't wear a size 14 from ANYWHERE else.  That makes a "non-Lane Bryant" size 14 a slight goal.  So, I was on a mission.... find a size 14 and then a size 12 from a regular people store.

Mission Accomplished: I found an American Eagle size 14 pants and an Old Navy size 12 shorts.  I was eager to "try" them on and afraid at the same time.  I knew they wouldn't fit yet but I wanted to see how close I am.

To my surprise, the size 14 FIT!  They fit tightly, but they FIT!  I pulled them up and buttoned them and the muffin-top wash't even that bad!  Shrieks of Joy!!!!!!!  Here are the pics I sent Chris! Don't mind the mess, it was house cleaning day! :) (we can't all be housewife goddesses)  Keep in mind that I haven't been able to wear a regular size 14 since my freshman year in college and that was in the 90's!

Obviously, the size 12 didn't fit!  I knew that was a for sure the moment I purchased them.  I pulled them on anyway.  No pics of this one.  I was able to pull them up but I couldn't move and I COULD NOT button them.  That's okay, it's a process and now I have another goal!  I will got there and I WILL be HOTT!!!! LOL

Now, if I could just get my body to take the fat off my arms and legs instead of boobs and I will be in good shape!

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