Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day One P90 - Day Seven P90

April 20, 2012 - April 26, 2012

Today we started the REAL P90!  We were pumped to be able to eat a few more calories and get our exercise on.

I won't be including exactly what we are eating each day.  What I will say is that the program came with Food Plan book that includes options for each meal and snack.  My only critique is that it doesn't have very much variety.  The next 90 days are going to be very boring when it comes to meals.  We have decided to used whey protein shakes as our breakfasts and lunches and nuts for snacks as well as plain yogurt with added fruit. Dinners will range from pita pizza to Chicken Parmesan.

We will be alternating cardio/Abs with weights... three days of each with the seventh day as rest.  Day one  was WEIGHTS!  I LOVE this video.  I feel like I'm going to die by the end but I really like weight training.  Day two was cardio with Abs Ripper.  I hate this video.  It's for real but I don't love it!  If we don't get in shape with this we only have ourselves to blame!

We did really well on the diet and gave the exercise all we had!

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