Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Power 90 Days 19-25

Well, we are just a few short days from the 30 day mark.  I'm praying that I can see a real difference from my day one photos.  I'll post them when we get there.  EEK!  I'm kind of excited and kind of scared.  Wish us luck!

As far as the last several days are concerned...

We have consistently been working out without missing a day!  It's shocking, really.  This is an absolute record for both Chris and I.  It is the longest we've ever followed through with exercise.  Some days are harder than others to get motivated. Fo me, it's the cardio days that gumption leaves me.  I HATE cardio!  I do understand that it burns a crap-ton of calories but I hate it!  Thank God I have Chris to keep me going!

We have found that weekends are a little harder to keep things going as there's always something going on and it's the only time we can really hang with our friends.  We've decided to do the best we can and not beat ourselves up about it.  The struggle is, generally, with diet, so we really try to think ahead.

This weekend we hung out with our favorite PA friends!  We haven't been able to hang with them for a while so it was nice to get the invite.  They ordered a pizza and hot wings!  OMG, sooooo good!  A month ago we would have pigged out and after several pieces of pizza and as many wings as we could handle we would fall into bed in the wee hours of the morning and feel awful.  This time we each ate one slice of pizza, and it was delicious!  We also enjoyed a few wings and savored every bite!  It really felt like we had accomplished the goal of control.  I will say, it was difficult because that pizza was awesome!

Earlier in the day we decided to go for  a walk.  We live near the river and there is a nice walking path we like to use. We took our 5 year old this time and she was excited for the possibility of being chased by us.  We walked some and sprinted some and by the time we got home we were winded and sweaty.  It was a good workout hour.  I have to say that after I caught my breath I felt amazing!  I literally feel better after I am active.  I never thought I would say that, LOL!

Power 90 is designed for workouts 6 days per week.  I am currently struggling with just sitting around.  I'm finding that I get bored and fidgety more than I used to.  On the days off I feel like, at the very least, I need to be walking or something.  Chris thinks I'm crazy but I can't help it.

Sunday, Mother's Day, was a weird day for me.  I woke in an ok mood, my girls brought me breakfast and gifts and I loved up my little grandson.  That's where the normalcy ended. HA!  I am normally the first one showered and the first one ready to walk out the door for church.  This Sunday was not the norm.  I had issue with what I wanted to wear, my hair was funky, and my makeup seemed to be more of a challenge than usual.  I was still getting ready when everyone else loaded themselves into the van.  I ran out to the van and as we were leaving I realized that I forgot to brush my teeth.  How that was possible, I had no idea.  Of course I went back in and we were off again!

Walking into church seemed to even be a challenge for me.  As we were walking across the street something happened and I just fell!  Chris didn't see me and I had to call his name for his help.  A very sweet lady ran to me and asked if I was okay.  When I told her I was she reached down to help me up.  She, apparently, had superhuman strength, because I was lying on an incline that made it very difficult to maneuver in a denim pencil skirt, because when grabbed my hand she yanked me right up with no problem whatsoever!  It was a relief to be on my feet again but in the process I skinned my knee, part of my leg and elbow.  I promised I was okay and we headed inside.

 I sat in the pew next to Chris and it was then uncontrollable, I cried.  I cried for a good portion of the service without even knowing why.  I couldn't control it and Chris didn't understand it.  I'm sure there was a part of it that was just embarrassment but I don't what came over me.  It just wasn't my day.  I finally just headed to the bathroom and cried it out in the handicap stall until my favorite friend brought me some antiseptic and some bandaids.  What I love about her is that she didn't say anything, she just shoved her hand under the stall and gave me what I needed.  She did text me and said, "It's no big deal, EVERYONE falls on Mother's Day!"  I wanted to respond, "Really?  EVERYONE?"  but all I could do was chuckle a little.

After the drama of the morning I went home, had a protein shake and took a little nap.  Later, we exercised and my knee was killing!  However, life goes on and I picked myself up and suffered through it!

We're getting there... Day by day, workout by workout... By the grace of God we will be healthy before we know it!  God help us, PLEASE?


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